Gingival enlargement ppt download

Gingival enlargements free download as powerpoint presentation. Gingival enlargement is one of the frequent features of gingival diseases. Regardl ess of its cause, gingival enlar gement can cause problems in controlling pl aque, chewing, teething, speech and aesthetics 1. Phenytoin is one of the most common drugs associated with gingival overgrowth. It is a surgical procedure in which excess gingival tissue is removed. Gingival enlargements generalised pocket dentistry. Severe druginduced gingival enlargement and periodontitis. Gingival enlargement an overview sciencedirect topics. The incidence of gingival enlargement with amlodipine was reported to be much lesser than nifedepine, however. The awareness in the medical community about this possible side effect of nifedipine is less when compared to the effects of phenytoin and. Pgo may vary from mild to severe and does not seem to be dose dependant. They commonly present as bulbous interdental gingival, diffuse swelling of gingival. Druginduced gingival hyperplasia clinical presentation. The differential diagnosis of gingival hyperplasia includes calcium channel blockers, cyclosporine, familial gingival fibromatosis, gingivitis, leukemia, phenytoin, scurvy, trench mouth, valproic acid.

Gingival gum enlargement, also known as gingival hyperplasia or hypertrophy, is an abnormal overgrowth of gingival tissues. Gingival enlargement can be induced by three main causes stemming from 1 inflammation, 2 medication, and 3 systemic disease. View and download powerpoint presentations on gingival inflammation stages ppt. Global dental consumables market growth, insights 202020 big market research, global dental consumables market size, share, trends, application, forecast, demand, analysis, research, report, opportunities, segmentation, 20 2020. The dental consumables are the products used by patients for the treatment of dental disorders such as tooth restoration, problems associated with. Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about gingival inflammation stages ppt. Gingival enlargement ge is a condition in which the size of the gingiva increases in response to inflammation, systemic disease, or certain medications including anticonvulsants, calciumchannel blockers, and immunosuppressants.

Periodontal management of cyclosporin ainduced gingival. Gingival enlargement the currently accepted terminology for an increase in the size of the gingiva, is a common feature of gingival disease. Prescription of calcium channel blockers is relatively common, making it difficult to determine the true incidence of druginduced gingival enlargement. Nonsurgical management of nifedipine induced gingival. Such increased volume of gingiva may compromise normal oral functions, aesthetics in addition. Definition increase in size of gingiva or gingival overgrowth. Druginduced gingival overgrowth is a condition caused by side effects of treatment with one of three types of drugs.

Chronic inflammatory gingival enlargement associated with. Gingival hyperplasia associated with syndrome needs both. Ppt gingival swellings differential diagnosis amer. Pdf drug induced gingival enlargement researchgate. The present case report describes a successful management of phenytoin induced gingival enlargement in year old female by combined surgical and nonsurgical approach. A critical insight into case reports from over two decades pramod samudrala, vijay kumar chava, tanguturi sri chandana, rachakonda suresh department of periodontology, narayana dental college and hospital, nellore, andhra pradesh, india. Mouth breathing, hormonal alterations should be treated.

However due to their varied presentations, the diagnosis of these entities becomes challenging for the clinician. Unusual clinical presentation of generalised gingival. Idiopathic gingival enlargement is a proliferative fibrous lesion of the gingival tissue that causes esthetic and functional problems. Gingival enlargement is known side effect of certain medications like anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers and immunosuppressant. Gingival enlargement is an increase in the size of the gingiva gums. Go is evident in almost half of the patients receiving pht therapy. Report gingival enlargement please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. A patients diagnosis and treatment rely on proper classification of gingival. This is strictly a clinical description of the condition and avoids the erroneous pathologic connotations of terms used in the past such as hypertrophic gingivitis or gingival hyperplasia. Both genetically and pharmacologically induced forms of gingival enlargement exist. Tag archive gingival hyperplasia ppt dental health tips. Periodontal management of phenytoin induced gingival. This case report addresses the diagnosis and treatment of a case of idiopathic gingival enlargement in a yearold female. Phtinduced gingival overgrowth pgo is more common in children than in adults and affects both males and females equally.

To get the facts on exactly how to eliminate your uterine fibroids from the root 100% naturally and permanently and achieve lasting freedom from pcos related symptoms without spending your hardearned money on drugs and over the counters. It is the degree of enlargement and the tendency to develop massive recurrence in the presence of relatively scant plaque deposits that distinguish pubertal gingival enlargement from. Severity and scoring of gingival recession scoring of the gingival recessions at the buccal aspect according to the classification of miller 1985 revealed that class i recessions were the most prevalent, yet its frequency was gradually decreased as age increased. Cyclosporine a and amlodipine induced gingival overgrowth. An increase in size of the gingiva is a common feature of gingival disease. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the causes, features and management of generalised gingival swellings, which involve the free andor attached gingiva and may also extend to the nonkeratinised lining oral mucosa. Most commonly, gingival overgrowth is a plaqueinduced inflammatory process, which can be modified by systemic disease or medications. To be considered a gingival enlargement resulting from medications, the size. Oral health wa dementia training study centre tuesday 22nd june 2010.

Gingival enlargement can be caused by a number of factors, including inflammatory conditions and the side effects of certain medications. Gingival hyperplasia is an overgrowth of gum tissue around the teeth. Medically induced gingival hyperplasia mayo clinic proceedings. Syndromes with gingival enlargement hereditary gingival fibromatosis may be associated with intellectual disabilities may be sporadic in occurrence or an ad or ar trait. There are several causes of gingival enlargement and they can be grouped into four categories. Gingival enlargement, also synonymous with the terms gingival hyperplasia or hypertrophy, is defined as an abnormal overgrowth of gingival tissues. Gingival overgrowth leads to inflammation within the gums and periodontium and can. A case of a 19yearold male presenting with maxillary and mandibular chronic inflammatory gingival enlargement associated with prolonged orthodontic therapy is reported here. The expression and the severity of this tissuespecific condition are influenced by a variety of factors, mainly drug and periodontal variables.

These are strictly clinical descriptive terms and they avoid the erroneous pathologic connotations of terms of terms used in the past, such as hypertrophic and gingival hyperplasia. Originally published in veterinary practice news, october 2016 download as a pdf gingival hyperplasia and hypertrophy are histologic terms used often to describe the clinical appearance of gingival enlargement, an increase in the size or thickness of the gingiva. Ppt gingival curettage powerpoint presentation free to download id. In recent years,flap surgery have been used more often to treat gingival enlargement than gingivectomy. By knowing the existence of common and rare presentations of gingival enlargement, one can keep a broad view when formulating a differential diagnosis of localized isolated, discrete, regional. Gingival enlargement and its treatment authorstream. These are strictly clinical descriptive terms, and they avoid the erroneous pathologic connotations of terms used in the past, such as hypertrophic gingivitis and gingival hyperplasia. View and download powerpoint presentations on gingivitis ppt. Gingival overgrowth is a major and frequent unwanted effect accompanying the chronic usage of antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, and immunosuppressant drugs. The accepted current terms for this condition are gingival enlargement and gingival overgrowth. Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about gingivitis ppt.

Ppt gingival curettage powerpoint presentation free to. However, rare genetic conditions can result in gingival. Dental plaqueinduced gingival diseases classification of gingival diseases is a significant part of an intraoral examination. The enlargement can be inflammatory,fibrotic or a combination of both. The causative factors may range from inflammation due to local factors to conditioned enlargement and neoplastic enlargements. Gingival enlargement has been studied in 46 patients taking diltiazem n 32 or verapamil n 14 compared with 49 cardiovascular controls who had never taken them 24 c. Learn the shocking truth about uterine fibroids, drugs and surgeries. The extent of gingival enlargements were defined as either localized or generalized.

The most common form of enlargement is due to plaqueinduced in. Severe gingival enlargement can be treated by gingivectomy. Remove this presentation flag as inappropriate i dont like this i like this remember as a favorite. Drug induced gingival enlargement can be treated by changing the drug or decreasing the dose of drug. Due to the unaesthetic appearance of the overgrown gingiva, treatment becomes inevitable. Abvp and elizabeth mcmorran, drmedvet for the education center.

Treatment can be in the form of allowing for spontaneous resolution once the etiology is removed, instituting proper dental hygiene, nonsurgical treatment, andor surgical treatment. There was more gingival enlargement in the patients taking diltiazem compared with controls. Drug induced gingival overgrowth digo statpearls ncbi. Gingival overgrowth is asymptomatic, except in the presence of poor oral hygiene and dental plaque because patients may develop bleeding with. Gingival enlargement during puberty has all the clinical features associated with chronic inflammatory gingival disease. Gingival enlargement or overgrowth go is a common complication of the anticonvulsant drug phenytoin pht. The adobe flash plugin is needed to view this content. The effective and predictable management of gingival overgrowth requires correct diagnosis and consideration of aetiological factors, as discussed in part 1. Phenytoininduced severe gingival overgrowth in a child. Introduction gingival enlargement is a common feature of gingival disease and may be caused by fibrous overgrowth or gingival inflammation or a combination of two. Plaque induced inflammation appears to be a general stimulating effect regardless of the mechanism of gingival enlargement. Top causes of gingival enlargement and treatment options. Gingival enlargement or overgrowth is a common disease of gingiva.